The creation of Throbbing Sonic comes from the hybrid modulation of sounds correlated with the process of image formation. Through the constant interaction between sound and vision, the sensory nervous system is stimulated. The inter-uncertainty between human influence, media, and machine arithmetic plays a part. C-LAB Taiwan Sound Lab utilizes the 3D sound mixing function in Spat stereoscopic system, together with a complete stereophony library, to control the source of sounds in physical space corresponding to the virtual 3D environment. It creates improvised information offset in video glitch. The images perform in the states of instant movement, generation, formation, transformation and decomposition, rendering unpredictability and uncertainty.

The sound matrix applied in the exhibition is made with 16.2 speakers. Its object-oriented design allows the objects in the virtual reality environment to reflect different acoustic pressure and sound frequency according to the corresponding distance and direction in the physical world. Every audience member will receive a unique visual and audio experience depending on the level of participation in the exhibition, gaining different feedbacks.


Fujui Wang

Fujui Wang is a sound artist and curator specialized in sound art and interactive art whose work has played a key role in establishing sound as a new artistic genre in Taiwan. A pioneer of sound art in Taiwan, he founded “NOISE” in 1993, the country’s first experimental sound label. In 2000 he joined the media art collective “ET@T” and launched the “BIAS” International Sound Art Exhibition and Sound Art Prize for the Digital Art Festival Taipei. He worked for the Digital Arts Center, Taipei and the Center for Art and Technology, TNUA, he has curated numerous exhibitions and festivals, including the 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012 editions of the “TranSonic” Sound Art Festival and the 2007 to 2009 editions of the Digital Art Festival Taipei. In 2011 Wang Fujui and Yi Lu have co-founded the Soundwatch Studio to promote the creation, exhibition, performance and workshop of renovating experimental audio art both locally and internationally.

10’00”, 16.2 Ambisonic System, VR Headset, 2021